Beautiful large personalised baby gift box set

  • SKU: CB00164
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  • Return Policy: We believe that you will be satisfied with your purchase. If you feel you need to return an item, we will keep this process simple. These terms do not affect your statutory rights. We have no liability to you unless you notify us of any damaged, defective or incorrect quantity items within 48 hours of delivery. You must return goods within 7 days of receiving in an unused state, complete with packaging and all components, and we will refund you the price you paid for the product including any postage and packaging. Please note all refunds of the purchase price will be returned to the original purchaser. The cost of the return is your responsibility, except if the item is faulty, damaged or incorrect. We can not be held responsible for packages lost in transit. Our return policy does not apply to perishable goods, items which have been personalised, custom made for you or you have provided the incorrect or inaccurate information during the order process. If the goods are damaged or defective, we will replace the goods. Images have been provided for illustrative purposes only and we do not guarantee that any image will reproduce in true colour on your computer monitor nor that any given image will reflect or portray the full design or options relating to that product. Order Cancellations: As most of our products are personalised we can not offer a 7 day cancellation. Please contact us as soon as possible. Providing the item has not gone into production we will cancel the order and refund in full. Please note that we do not proof read or check the personalisation. Please check and double check before the order is made to ensure you receive the correct item and personalisation.

Design choice: *
baby grow or vest : *
Size: *
  • 0-3 Months
  • 3-6 Months

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A beautiful personalised baby gift set is a thoughtful and memorable way to celebrate the arrival of a new baby. This is what is included within our gift set:

  1. Personalised Keepsake Box: A keepsake box is a great way to help the new parents keep track of all the special memories and milestones of their baby's first year. You can personalise the box with the baby's name on the front of the box along with a message on the inside of the box.

  2. Personalised Blanket with chosen design: A soft, cosy blanket  is an essential item for any new baby. You can personalise the blanket with the baby's name and chosen design for a special touch.

  3. Personalised Onesie and bib Set: A cute onesie and bib set is a practical and adorable gift for a new baby. You can customise the onesie and bib with the baby's name and a cute design.
  4. Personalised comforter: A personalised comforter is a fun and unique gift for a new baby. You can customize the comforter with the baby's name printed with certified ink.
  5. Personalised greeting card: a perfect addition to the box that will have chosen design and personalised keepsake for the parents.

  6. pump bottle set: x3 white 500ml fillable pump bottles comes with shampoo, baby lotion and baby bubbles vinyl labels on the bottles.

Our baby box is simple to order you just let us know size, colour, design and name to be added.

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